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Attain goals

Attain goals with meineZIELE

Plain goals make you more successful

meineZIELE brings your goals, tasks and projects in a clear structure. So you gain the needed clarity about what you want to reach and about what is important or unimportant.

Large, unmanageable goals and tasks paralyze. Handy and executable tasks stimulate. Clarity is therefore crucial. It converts your subconscious from a break pad to a power source.

Therefore, we will begin by taking an inventory. From the existing variety of tasks and goals, opportunities and risks of all spheres of life should emerge clear and immediately executable sub-goals and tasks. And it should be clear what is important and what is unimportant.

Documents ready to hand belong to clear goals. Do not arrange according to the principle "everything to its place". This is the principle of the filing plan, a technique from the Bronze Age. Assign your documents directly to your tasks. That is the principle of the 1-click-filing.

These two important methods, clear objectives and the 1-click-filing are the first that you should implement with meineZIELE.

Get a plain overview!

Structuring goals and tasks


Get a proper structure of Your goals and tasks.

  • Begin with the roles You play in life
  • Outline all of Your goals and tasks
  • Let Your gut instinct decide when its time to stop splitting up tasks ever more
  • Then tackle Your challenges

Where do you stand? And where do you want to go?

Establish clarity about your situation before any tackling. Create a list of all goals, tasks, opportunities and risks pending in your life. New goals result from this step by step, almost "by themselves".

This basic task often creates a powerful boost of thoughts and deeds. Some users change their life and work entirely. Give priority to forceful forming over the rapid testing of different methods. The subtleties of the calendar are not that important yet. First there should be the overview, then primary objectives, then the subtleties.

Next: Start outlining projects, life roles and circles of influence

Attain Your goals with meineZIELE

Set plain goals!

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